Worship Planning

Worship outlines for the seasons of the church year using Evangelical Lutheran Worship as the primary resource. Each week’s worship orders include options for Holy Communion and Service of the Word.

Where Two or Three are Gathered


Additional Resources

We hope you find these resources helpful in your worship planning.

Resources for other seasons include weekly themes, songs, prayers and liturgical and visual ideas as available that are more specifically “ELCIC and ecumenical, Canadian, current and contextual.” 

The following weekly resources are available:

Day of Prayer for Jerusalem and The Holy Land

Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) are invited to pray for peace for Jerusalem and the Holy Land on Sunday, May 24, 2020.
For more information: 

The ELCIC lifts up the 7th Sunday in Easter for this day of prayer and joins with full communion partner, the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), who also designates the 7th Sunday in Easter to pray for peace for Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

ELCIC congregations and ministries are encouraged to use the following prayer resources from the ELCIC and ACC:   Jerusalem Holy Land Prayers – 2019